Open Call: Research Residencies

The Centro de Estudios of Museo Reina Sofía releases its open call for research residencies as part of the climate thread within the Museum of the Commons programme.

The Centro de Estudios is offering four research residencies, distributed accross two calls in 2024 and 2025. The first call is for two residences, whose objective is to foster research through artistic and cultural practices and participation in research networks connected to the Museum of the Commons and its research thread CLIMATE. The thread focuses on the current planetary climate crisis, the sustainability of institutional, artistic and cultural practices and the urgency to transform our politics, societies, cultures and ways of living towards ecologically sustainable models.

The research lines proposed for this call are:

  • Ecological, social and political sustainability of the cultural ecosystem
  • Food sovereignty and situated institutional practices such as community gardens and kitchens
  • Architecture as a lab for institutional and social sustainability
  • Diaspora and migrant communities, in particular as a result of climate change
  • Communal practices and political imagination

Applications are welcome in Spanish or English. The deadline for applications is September 15.

More info on the research residencies terms and application form is available here.

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