Mobile Garden. A Place to Meet

An open space, a social space. How could the Museum be more open to the needs of the neighbourhood?

Is it possible to be radically public? How public are cultural institutions? The Mobile Garden is born from this dilemma. It is a garden because it is conceived as a space of urban calm, of shared dialogue, an oasis where the community – and the Museum too – can ‘be’. And it is mobile because there are no closed or fixed proposals. While initially based on conversations with residents, communities and agents of the neighbourhood to respond to the imaginaries of those around us, it is also a free-access space on the ground floor of the Convent dels Àngels that is open to everyone. A walk-in space in a corner of the square that will be transformed into whatever its users decide. What do you want to happen? What else should the Museum offer apart from its programming? Your actions and suggestions can help us decide how the Museum and its public spaces should be used.

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