School of Common Knowledge

School of Common Knowledge draws on the network, knowledge and experience of the L’Internationale museum confederation. Built on the basis laid by the Glossary of Common Knowledge, a project initiated by Zdenka Badovinac and Moderna Galerija in Ljubljana, it continues its co-learning methodology. Its ambition is to be both nomadic and situated, looking at specific cultural and geopolitical situations while exploring their relations and interdependencies with the rest of the world.

The pilot programme taking place in Zagreb and Ljubljana 24–29 May, 2024, speaks from central Europe and the western Balkans seeking to co-learn how to resist and transform the alliance of neo-liberal and neo-fascist forces in today’s world. The region has created and sustained specific ways of responding to and against globalisation and political hegemonies, as well as alternative ways of engaging with other parts of the world. Unique social models and imaginaries developed here, together with the region’s particular relations to coloniality and imperiality, are useful to reconsider in the light of present conflicts. Having access to the collections of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb and Moderna Galerija in Ljubljana, which largely contain works by artists from the Balkans and the wider Eastern European region, as well as addressing the social and political histories of the socialist Yugoslavia and the Non-Aligned Movement, the programme offers ways to explore decolonisation, anti-fascist struggles and anti-war narratives through the voices and experiences of artists and cultural workers grounded in decolonial practices. Situated organisations and individuals from the Balkan region will narrate their practices of cultural production and the possibilities that emerge from them. Insisting on collaborative learning, the SCK will build a small temporary community that can learn to trust and antagonise each other through exchange and shared experiences.


Marta Agičić
Ana Martina Bakić
Christophe Barbeau
Bengisu Çağlayan
Marisa Cortright
Jose Mari B. Cuartero
Nevena Delić
Bianca Dentellato
Alessandra Franetovich
Oksana Karpovets
Masa Nazzal & Leandro Navarro-Cabanas
Jolanta Nowaczyk
Esra Oskay
Agnese Politi
Denise Pollini
Lucas Pretti
Ares Shporta
Antonela Solenički
Antonina Stebur
Krisztián Gábor Török
Marianna Tsionki
Takuya Tsutsumi
Annosh Urbanke
Maria Veits
Sofia Victorino
Erin Wilkerson
Anna Zsoldos

L’Internationale members:
Nick Aikens, L’Internationale
Zdenka Badovinac, SCK curator
Marco Baravalle, IRI, Venezia
Manuel Borja Villel, L’Internationale Association
Sara Buraya Bonet, Reina Sofia, Madrid
Charles Esche, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven
Sabel Gavaldon, MACBA, Barcelona
Jasna Jakšić, MSU, Zagreb
Magda Lipska, MSN, Warszawa
Bojana Piškur, MG+MSUM, Ljubljana
Martin Pogačar, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana
Ana Škegro, MSU, Zagreb
Mabel Tapia, L’Internationale Association
Adela Železnik, MG+MSUM, Ljubljana

Deja Bečaj, Božidar Jakac Art Museum
Miha Colner, Božidar Jakac Art Museum
Urška Jurman, Igor Zabel Society
Mia Lerm-Hayes, University of Amsterdam
Goran Milovanović, Director, Božidar Jakac Art Museum

Situated Organisations:
Sezgin Boynik, Pykë-Presje, Prizren
BLOK, Zagreb (Ana Kutleša)
Irfan Hošić, University of Bihać / KRAK Center
Krater, Ljubljana (Danica Sretenović & Gaja Mežnarić Osole)
Goran Milovanovič, Galerija Božidar Jakac, Kostanjevica na Krki
Natalija Vujošević, Museum of Contemporary Art of Montenegro, Podgorica
Lala Raščić, Crvena, Sarajevo
What, How and for Whom / WHW (Sabina Sabolović)
Živi atelje DK, Zagreb (Cyrille Cartier, Saša Kralj)

Leonida Kovač
Tomaž Mastnak
Ovidiu Ţichindeleanu

Special tour:
Beti Žerovc

Dimitirije Bašičević Mangelos, Notes, 1970s. Courtesy of Mario Bruketa and Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb

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