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»We should never abandon the possibility of our active presence«


This dialogue is based on a video recording of Zdenka Badovinac’s workshop at the international summer school "The Big Shift − the 1990s: The Avant-Gardes in Eastern Europe and Their Legacy", organized by the Moderna galerija (MG+MSUM) in Ljubljana in 2019 as part of Our Many Europes program. The workshop consisted of Zdenka Badovinac’s lecture followed by a series of questions posed by the participating students acting as co-moderators. The participants were also involved in the post-production of the video, which took until June 2021; in the meantime, Europe had seen some radical social and political changes.

This dialogue is part of THE CONSTITUENT MUSEUM IN DIALOGUE, a series of conversations discussing the emancipatory possibilities and limits of museums. Find related talks, and read more on The Constituent Museum in Dialogue.

Video: Nika Ham

Editors: Adela Železnik and Tjaša Pogačar

Co-moderators: Ieva Astahovska, Bermet Borubaeva, Darja Filippova, Dorota Michalska, Radek Przedpełski, and Ekaterina Vorontsova

Photographies: Ilya Ivanov © Garage Museum of Contemporary Art; © Musacchio, Ianniello & Pasqualini; Roberto Luigi Apa © Fondazione MAXXI; © Božidar Flajšman; Dejan Habicht, Ana Mizerit, Lado Mlekuž, Matija Pavlovec © Moderna galerija, Ljubljana

Thanks to: Sanja Kuveljić Bandić, Giulia Pedace, Flaminia Persichetti, and Sabina Povšič

Produced by Moderna galerija (MG+MSUM), June 2021

Stališča in mnenja, objavljena v tej rubriki, odražajo načela akademske svobode in ne odražajo nujno stališč konfederacije L'Internationale in njenih članov.

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