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Blyzkist Dialogues


This film focuses on The Blyzkist Project, which is part of the public program of MSN Warsaw. While preparing for the opening of the museum’s new building on Plac Defilad, Maria Beburia and Taras Gembik — members of the Blyzkist Group — turn to the Russian-, Belorussian and Ukrainian-speaking audience living in Poland. They ask what community is and who belongs to it. They invite not only migrants living in Warsaw, but also museum workers and researchers. The name Blyzkist (from the Ukrainian for “closeness”) refers to community, being together, physically and emotionally.

This film is part of THE CONSTITUENT MUSEUM IN DIALOGUE, a series of conversations discussing the emancipatory possibilities and limits of museums. Find related talks, and read more on The Constituent Museum in Dialogue.


BLYZKIST group / група Близькість: Maria Beburia and Taras Gembik

Director and editing / Режисер та монтаж: Ivan Bambalin

Project coordinators / Координаторки проєкту: Marta Przybył and Marta Skowrońska-Markiewicz

Interviewees / Співрозмовники: Ivan Bambalin, Ania Butenina, Anna Jawor, Joanna Mytkowska and Marta Pietrusińska

Thanks to / Подяка: Marta Bartkowska, Tomek Fudala, Anna Grajewska, Dominika Jagiełło, Kaja Kusztra, Jagna Lewandowska, Anna Nagadowska, Natalia Sielewicz, Kacha Szaniawska and team of Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw

Research data / Дослідження: • Anna Jawor, Urszula Markowska-Manista, Marta Jadwiga Pietrusińska, Konkultura, Scholar, Warszawa 2020 • Fundacja Batorego, Najnowsza migracja z Ukrainy do Polski: (nie)stały fenomen?, Warszawa 2018 • Narodowy Bank Polski, Obywatele Ukrainy pracujący w Polsce – raport z badania, Warszawa 2017

Produced by MSN Warsaw, December 2020

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