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Reading list: School of Common Knowledge 2024


To accompany the first edition of the School of Common Knowledge, L’Internationale Online is publishing a reading list. Comprising contributions suggested by the School’s speakers and hosts, the reading list offers contextual material for those both present in Zagreb and Ljubljana and for the platform’s wider readership. The reading list will be updated before, during and after the School.

The curriculum for this pilot programme focuses on two proposals:

–Exploring situated organisations as actors in the (art) world and as sites from which to speak about translocal connections. The programme will challenge universalism and globalism in culture as forces that serve particular class and cultural interests.

–Investigating and co-learning how to resist and transform the alliance of neo-liberal and neo-fascist forces that have established huge influence in world politics and its military, economic and cultural policies.

Reading list

Material related to keynote speakers:

Leonida Kovač, ‘Polyrhythmics and Migrating Voices’ in Ann Murray (ed.), Constructing the Memory of War in Visual Culture since 1914: The Eye on War, New York and London: Routledge, 2018

Tomaž Mastnak, ‘Twenty-Eight Years Later’ in Ana Mizerit and Adela Železnik (eds.), The Heritage of 1989. Case Study: The Second Yugoslav Documents exhibition, Ljubljana: Moderna galerija, 2017

Ovidiu Ţichindeleanu, ‘Vampires in the Living Room. A View of What Happened to Eastern Europe after 1989, and Why Real Socialism Still Matters’ in Corinne Kumar (ed.), Asking, We Walk: The South as New Political Imaginary, Book Three: In the Time of the Fire, Bangalore, India: Streelekha, 2012

Ovidiu Ţichindeleanu, ‘The Work at Reorientation’, Cross-border Talks, 15 October, 2022

Material related to invited participants and organisations:

Marco Baravalle, ‘Notes from a Performative Investigation’, ARCH+ #252, Open for Maintenance, 2023

Sezgin Boynik, ‘The Art of Slogans (The Performative Part)’, Journal for Performing Arts Theory, no. 19, 2011

Sezgin Boynik, ‘The Art of Slogans (The Constative Part)’, Journal for Performing Arts Theory, no. 20, 2012

Sezgin Boynik ‘Breaking Point of Structures: From Concrete Poetry to Partisan Print’, interview with Rastko Močnik, OEI Magazine No. 90–91, 2021

Sezgin Boynik and Tevfik Rada (eds.), ‘See You in the Next War’, Film as Political School, Volume 3, 2024

Cyrille Cartier, ‘Beyond the Binary: The intersection of care, identity and integration’, paper based on a presentation given at the conference ‘In the Frictions: Fragments of Care, Health and Wellbeing in the Balkans’ at the University of Zadar, 27–30 April 2023

Iva Kovač (ed.), GSG (Magazine for Contemporary Art and Social Issues of From the Citizens to Their City Initiative, issue 2, 2019

Irfan Hošic, ‘Cultural Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1995 to 2020 and the Issue of Crisis’ in Nothing's Guaranteed, Sumerhall, Edinburgh, 2022

Irfan Hošić, ‘Urban and Cultural Transformation through the Practice of Total Engagement: Case Study KRAK’ in Irine Boric and Simone Venturini (eds.) RESCUE - REgeneration of disused industrials sites through creativity in Europe, 2021

Danica Sretenović and Gaja Mežnarić Osole, ‘Feral Occupations: “Our labor is our infrastructure!”’, Reader of the 35th Ljubljana Biennale of Graphic Arts, 2023

Danica Sretenović, 'An Exercise in Feral Cartographies' in Prototyping Collaboration, Berlin: Creative Impact Research Centre Europe (CIRCE), 2023

Danica Sretenović, ‘The builder who travels for the sake of travel, Pioneer Railroad (1948–1954–2019...)’ in Martin Bricelj Baraga, Miloš Kosec, and Neja Tomšič (eds.), Nonument, Ljubljana: MoTA – Museum of Transitory Art, 2020

What, How & for Whom / WHW, ‘There is something political in the city air’ in Urška Jurman, Christiane Erharter, and Rawley Grau (eds.), Extending the Dialogue – Essays by Igor Zabel Award Laureates, Grant Recipients, and Jury Members, 2008–2014, Ljubljana, Berlin, and Vienna: IZA Editions, 2016

What, How and for Whom/WHW, ‘Magically, new highways, stadiums, and police stations emerge’ in Corina L. Apostol and Nato Thompson (eds.), Making Another World Possible – 10 Creative Time Summits, 10 Global Issues, 100 Art Projects, New York: Routledge, 2019

General Reading:

Zdenka Badovinac, Comradeship: Curating, Art, and Politics in Post-Socialist Europe, New York: Independent Curators International (ICI), 2019

Zdenka Badovinac, Bojana Piškur, and Jesús Carrillo (eds.), Glossary of Common Knowledge, Vol. 1, Ljubljana: Moderna galerija, 2018

Ida Hiršenfelder (ed.), Glossary of Common Knowledge, Vol. 2, Ljubljana: Moderna galerija, 2022

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