Cinema as Assembly

Cinema as Assembly investigates cinema as a space of social gathering and political engagement that prefigures and enacts forms of living beyond colonial capitalism.

Cinema as Assembly is committed to processes of filmmaking and circulation rooted in forms of indigenous and post-capitalist visual sovereignty and autonomy, and in decolonial and non-Eurocentric cosmovisions and to supporting constituencies in the global South that have been systematically marginalised and exploited by settler states and the forces of extractive capitalism. At the same time, it sees cinema as a space of solidarity at the planetary level, around intersectional indigenous, black, feminist and working-class struggles.

Particularly, the project sees cinema as a space of:

  • Collective construction of counter-histories and alternative memories.
  • Connection between assemblies located in different political geographies
  • Transgenerational solidarity
  • Imagination and prefiguration of the future
  • Knowledge production and conservation
  • Ecological and material intervention

Cinema as Assembly combines the activation of local projects and the collective reflection on the political potential of cinema, in developing imaginaries and practices of ecological, economic, and social justice.

Working group: Natalia Arcos, Ariella Azoulay, Filipa César, Nitasha Dhillon and Amin Husain – MTL Collective, Denise Ferreira da Silva, Chema Gonzalez, Jasmina Metwaly, Massimiliano Mollona, Amilcar Paker, Zeyno Pekünlu, Elizabeth Povinelli, Philip Rikz, Maya Scherr-Willson, Nancy Wachowich

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