L'Internationale supports Walid Raad, Andrew Ross and Ashok Sukumaran after the recent ban on their entry to the UAE

Hans Haacke, World Poll, 2015. At the Venice Biennale. Courtesy Gulf Labor and the artist.
In recent weeks, the authorities of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have refused visas, denied entry and deported a number of artists and academics including Andrew Ross and Ashok Sukumaran. The reason seems to be the involvement of the individuals concerned with the Gulf Labor campaign to improve the working conditions of migrants at construction sites for the new cultural infrastructures at Saadiyat Island in Abu Dhabi. The latest to suffer this humiliation is the Lebanese artist Walid Raad. He has written an open letter describing his treatment and questioning the European and North American museums and universities who are supporting the new museums in the UAE and their sponsors. This letter is attached below.
The confederation L'Internationale would like to express its solidarity with Walid Raad, Andrew Ross and Ashok Sukumaran and encourage the museum institutions involved to respond to this letter and condemn the actions undertaken by the UAE.
Stephanie Saul, "N.Y.U. Professor Is Barred by United Arab Emirates", New York Times, 16 March 2015
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