Marwa Arsanios
Marwa Arsanios is an artist, filmmaker, and researcher from Beirut. Arsanios’s practice opens up questions of structures and infrastructures. What is common? How can we make use of it together and defend it? From architectural spaces, transformed and adapted through conflict, to artist-run spaces and temporary conventions between feminist communes and cooperatives, her practice seeks to make space within and parallel to existing art structures in order to experiment with different kinds of politics. Here, film serves as a key medium for connecting struggles, as a space in which images refer to other images. Over the past four years, Arsanios has been attempting to think these questions from new materialist and historical-materialist lenses through different feminist movements involved in land struggles. She looks at questions of property, law, economy, and ecology from the perspectives of specific sites and lands, the main protagonists in her work becoming these lands and the people who work them.
A Letter Inside a Letter: How Labor Appears and Disappears
Marwa ArsaniosThe Climate ForumClimate -
Climate: Our Right to Breathe
ClimateThe Climate Forum -
The Production of the Utopian Image
Marwa Arsanios -
Glossary of Common Knowledge
School of Common Knowledge