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How to prepare for a hurricane, pt. 2


Performance by Quinsy Gario, with the participation of Glenda Martinus and Jörgen Gario.

On 5 September 1995 the Dutch Caribbean island of St. Maarten experienced its worst hurricane in recorded history. How to prepare for a hurricane, pt. 2 is a performance which centres on one family’s experience of that devastating event. A mother and her two sons contemplate loss, forgiveness and fundamental changes in the face of a life-altering event with poetry, music and blue tarp. A commission by L’Internationale Online, co-produced with Van Abbemuseum.

Featured in the epub: Living with Ghosts: Legacies of Colonialism and Fascism

Stališča in mnenja, objavljena v tej rubriki, odražajo načela akademske svobode in ne odražajo nujno stališč konfederacije L'Internationale in njenih članov.

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