Activating Pink Triangle. Didactic materials and pedagogical proposals for a diverse school

Edited by Alicia Bernardos, Laura Cortés Ruiz, Cristina Gutiérrez Andérez, Aleix Jiménez Morales, and Fran MM Cabeza de Vaca

Graphic Design: Rubén García-Castro Díaz



  1. 1.
    A Diverse School: Reflections and resources for breaking gender norms in education
  2. 2.
    A Vibrant Dialogue: Didactic materials for the video Pink Triangle, LGTBIQ+ activisms in schools, dialogues

The education project Pink Triangle is a long term project initiated by the Education Department of Museo Reina Sofía in 2019 as a space of reflection and action regarding LGTBIQ+ activisms in school spaces. Through their experiences, perspectives and reflections, students, teachers and families contribute to this complex and necessary discussion. The project entailed 3 workshops, a video dialogue and the set of materials presented here. These didactic materials make up the vertices of a triangle of reflection and action around experiences and tools related to sexual and gender diversities that coexist in schools, which are, by their very nature, institutions of normalization.