Fifth of a series of performed militant inquiries Red Green, Black and White is based on the interviews of 13 citizens and activists for social and climate justice. Zooming dizzily between the urban dimension of Zagreb and the global geo-political one, the work finds the words to touch on the hot spots of ethical, ecological and political responsibility today. Because it is no longer possible to remain silent without becoming complicit.

Idea, dramaturgy, direction: Emanuele Braga, Gabriella Riccio (Institute of Radical Imagination) & Anna Rispoli

based on an concept by Anna Rispoli

Interviews, text: Emanuele Braga, Gabriella Riccio, Marco Baravalle (Institute of Radical Imagination) & Anna Rispoli + 13 inhabitants of Zagreb

With the participation of: Hrvoje Laurenta, Farzaneh Sourighiasvand, Marko Pogačar, Leonarda Šmigmator, Matko Radić, Luka Tomac, Hana Matović, Azra Svedružić, Mirjana Vidaković, Hana Sirovica, Jelena Androić, Ana Škegro, Petra Matić, Emanuele Braga, Gabriella Riccio, Anna Rispoli and Inicijativa za slobodnu Palestinu / Free Palestine Initiative Croatia

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