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Dispatch: To whom it may concern – the voice of the censor and re-calibrating words as an act of survival


The following film focuses on L’Internationale’s mission statement, which appears in the invitation letter to the School of Common Knowledge. Along with the other documents required for official authorisation from the institutions to participate in the School, a translation of the invitation was requested. Certain parts of the statement had to be censored: ‘emancipation’, ‘new internationalism’, ‘social contract’, ‘collective’, and other terms reflecting a thinking otherwise are today subject to institutional policing and are hence part of a sensitive glossary. As institutions transform into disciplinary bodies, the practices of second guessing, intended readings, and ‘calibrating’ our speech have become common tactics for survival.

Bu bölümde yayımlanan görüş ve düşünceler akademik özgürlük ilkelerini yansıtmaktadır; L'Internationale konfederasyonunun ve üyelerinin görüşlerini veya pozisyonlarını yansıtmak zorunda değildir.

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