"Diásporas" reflects on the histories of the diaspora from the work of some artists who introduce counter-hegemonic narratives in their practice. We cannot understand diaspora without introducing concepts such as roots, borders, national identity or racism. In every process of dispersion is latent an intention to belong to a new context, as if it were a process of transplantation. But, with what frictions and hostilities are these people received?
"Histories of art from Barcelona" is a program that presents new perspectives on what the normalized discourse of art history has buried or has directly ignored. It is a proposal to open new spaces for debate in the classroom and raise doubts based on art. The program includes a series of open videos, made with the collaboration of various artists, theorists and activists, and the corresponding dossiers for teachers, which contain lines of action and expanded content.
Chapter 3 of this program is included in the e-learning materials of the project Our Many Europes.
Related activities
The Open Kitchen. The fermented seed, colonialism and extractivism
The MACBA Kitchen is a working group situated against the backdrop of ecosocial crisis. Participants in the group aim to highlight the importance of intuitively imagining an ecofeminist kitchen, and take a particular interest in the wisdom of individuals, projects and experiences that work with dislocated knowledge in relation to food sovereignty.
The Kitchen: Workshop by Marina Monsonís
The Kitchen is a meeting place open to the participation of all, especially people and organizations that want to share their knowledge and experiences around the kitchen.
12 Apr 2023 –14 Apr MACBAWhere are the Oases?
PEI OBERT seminar
with Kader Attia, Elvira Dyangani Ose, Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz, Emily Jacir, Achille Mbembe, Sarah Nuttall and Françoise VergèsAn oasis is the potential for life in an adverse environment.
2023 – 2024 MACBAMobile Garden. A Place to Meet
An open space, a social space. How could the Museum be more open to the needs of the neighbourhood?
14 Dec 2023 MACBAAnti-imperialism in the 20th century and anti-imperialism today: similarities and differences
PEI OBERT seminar
Lecture by Ramón GrosfoguelIn 1956, countries that were fighting colonialism by freeing themselves from both capitalism and communism dreamed of a third path, one that did not align with or bend to the politics dictated by Washington or Moscow. They held their first conference in Bandung, Indonesia.
10 Feb 2024 –1 Apr MACBASong for Many Movements: Scenes of Collective Creation
An ephemeral experiment in which the ground floor of MACBA becomes a stage for encounters, conversations and shared listening.
9 Jul 2024 –10 Jul MACBABefore We Go Down in History (we have to make a living) I. Class Composition
Two-day seminar organised by MACBA as part of Museum of the Commons and the year-long project ‘[contra]panorama’.
23 Oct 2024 MACBAThe Open Kitchen. Map of edible tensions
with Marina Monsonís, Paisanaje and Ruralitzem
The MACBA Kitchen is a working group situated against the backdrop of ecosocial crisis. Participants in the group aim to highlight the importance of intuitively imagining an ecofeminist kitchen, and take a particular interest in the wisdom of individuals, projects and experiences that work with dislocated knowledge in relation to food sovereignty.
Related contributions and publications
Some Guiding Terms for Lumbung Press: Defining “publishing”
Erick Beltrán27 Apr 2023 lumbungSituated OrganizationsMACBAEN es -
In the Battles of Language / En las batallas del lenguaje
Marina Garcés, Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui20 Jun 2017 DialoguesMACBA -
Evidence, Activism And The Law in the Age of Post-Truth
Baltasar Garzón, Eyal Weizman, Yolanda Álvarez, Manuel Vergara27 Apr 2017 DialoguesMACBA -
THE MUSEUM YET TO COME. Exercises of institutional imagination
Pablo Martínez11 Jul 2019 HDK-ValandMACBA -
L’Internationale Public Statement on the recent events at MACBA
L’Internationale Confederation21 Jul 2021 Statements and editorialsMACBA -
L'Internationale statement in support of the decision to open "La Bestia y el soberano" (The Beast and the Sovereign)
L’Internationale Confederation21 Mar 2015 Statements and editorialsMACBA -
On Riots, Grief and Parties
3 Mar 2021 MACBA -
Diaspora. Art Stories from Barcelona
Tania Safura Adam, Aldemar Matias4 Dec 2020 MACBA -
Hard Gelatin. Hidden Stories from the 80s
2016 MACBA -
Opening Performance: Song for Many Movements, live on Radio Alhara
Jokkoo with/con Miramizu, Rasheed Jalloul & Sabine Salamé23 Feb 2024 Towards Collective Study in Times of EmergencySonic CommonsPast in the PresentMACBAEN es -
Live set: A Love Letter to the Global Intifada
Precolumbian13 Jun 2024 Towards Collective Study in Times of EmergencySonic CommonsPast in the PresentMACBAEN es