Apple. An Introduction (over and over and once again)

‘Apple. An Introduction (over and over and once again)’ by Antje Majewski and Paweł Freisler is the second part of the Superhost project at M HKA. Curated by Joanna Zielińska and Anne-Claire Schmitz, it includes guest works by Chantal Akerman, Agnieszka Polska, Jimmie Durham, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Joris de Rycke, Kasper De Vos and many more.

The museum’s top floor will be transformed into an engaging installation dedicated to apples. Paweł Freisler’s intricately crafted apple sculptures are shown alongside Antje Majewski’s paintings of various apple varieties, inspired by the still-life tradition. The display will be developed during a year-long process, in collaboration with local artists, pomologists, and other scientists. Visitors will have the opportunity to access materials such as books, documents, films, and poems. Together, this creates an interdisciplinary collection of knowledge, shedding new light on the relationships between apples, people, and the broader ecosystem.

Superhost is a programme investing in a year-long relationship between an artist or collective practice, the museum, and its participating communities, and supporting the production of artworks, performative or discursive creations. One artist or collective is invited to be M HKA’s Superhost every year. By embracing the ambiguous and interrelated dynamics of hospitality – in which the host is always a guest; the guest always also a host – M HKA affirms a longing for increased institutional transformation, permeability, and exchange. The invitation materialises freely, both in the museum’s top-floor gallery spaces and as programmes of discursive and performative events.

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Antje Majewski and Paweł Freisler, Apple. An Introduction (over and over and once again), 29 February 2024–5 January 2025, Superhost © M HKA

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