Book Launch: Collective Study in Times of Emergency, Dublin

with Nick Aikens (L'Internationale Online / HDK-Valand) and members of the L'Internationale Online editorial board: Maria Berríos, Sheena Barrett, Sara Buraya Boned, Charles Esche, Sofia Dati, Sabel Gavaldon, Jasna Jaksic, Cathryn Klasto, Magda Lipska, Declan Long, Francisco Mateo Martínez Cabeza de Vaca, Bojana Piškur, Tove Posselt, Anne-Claire Schmitz, Ezgi Yurteri, Martin Pogacar, and Ovidiu Tichindeleanu, 18h00, Harry Clark Lecture Theatre, NCAD

In November 2023, L’Internationale Online, the research and publishing platform for the European network of museums, arts organizations and universities, began the publishing strand 'Towards Collective Study in Times of Emergency’. A collective response to the drastic shifts in the public sphere as a result of the genocidal war in Palestine, Collective Study in Times of Emergency brings together 19 commissions spanning essays, listening sessions, poetry selections, music, and artistic contributions, published over the past year.

Join us on 25 March, 6pm at the Harry Clark Lecture Theatre, NCAD for the Irish launch of the publication. The launch will include an introduction by managing editor Nick Aikens, a selection of audio excerpts from the book's editors and contributors and a collective reading from the text ‘Everything Will Stay the Same If We Don’t Speak Up’.

NCAD, Dublin. Facade on Thomas Street, looking east.

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